#Interview: with Sarah and the importance of reconnecting with oneself

We call them "love at first sight" encounters. With Sarah, it immediately blossomed into a beautiful friendship, and today I’m very happy to introduce her portrait.
- Audrey, founder of Rive Claire®.

Can you briefly tell us about your background?

I have a very "academic" background. After a literary prep (Hypokhâgne and Khâgne), I joined Sciences Po. Initially, my dream was to work in a major fashion house. I’ve always been passionate about fashion and the arts. As a teenager, I spent my pocket money on Vogue’s special "runway" issues or L’Officiel de la Mode, and I would wake up in the middle of the night to watch reruns of Mode 6. I would have loved to become a fashion designer! But since I didn’t really have a talent for drawing and instead had good grades in school, I chose a more general path. I eventually opted for journalism and joined IPJ in Paris to pursue my dream of fashion through writing. I worked in women’s magazines for ten years (L’Officiel de la Mode, ELLE, Biba…).

Inspiration, mental health, meditation, Leadership, Vision, Empowerment, girlboss, Entrepreneur, leader, spirituality, values

What was the moment when you changed direction?

Everything was going pretty well in my life: I had done great studies, had a job I loved, friends, a partner... I had checked all the boxes, but I felt like something was missing for me to be truly fulfilled. The problem was, I didn’t know what it was.

I had everything to be happy, and yet I was still searching for my place. At the same time, since I was 19, I had developed a real passion for what’s called "personal development." I read tons of books, attended workshops, seminars, and conferences by inspiring authors. Then, at 30, when my second child was born, it became clear. I realized that everything I had learned for my own pleasure, all this work of reconnection that I had enjoyed so much, it was my turn to pass it on.

How did things practically fall into place?

First, I created my site inspireoseaime to inspire women to live their lives to the fullest.

Then, readers of my site asked me to help them better understand themselves and reconnect with what resonates within them. I then designed a personalized coaching program through "one-on-one" sessions. In just a few months, everything fell into place.

What are you currently working on?

Twice a week, on Wednesdays and Saturdays at 9 a.m., on my Instagram account @inspireoseaime, I offer free live meditations. We talk about self-confidence, energy, empowerment... And I’ve just launched a 3-month online program, Inspire Ose Aime, to help today’s women dare to assert their values, their talents, and offer them to the world. Following your desires, becoming the full actor of your life, and inspiring other women to do the same changes everything!

Inspiration, mental health, meditation, Leadership, Vision, Empowerment, girlboss, Entrepreneur, leader, spirituality, values

What do your days look like?

Every day is different. I write for my blog, I work with business leaders, I teach meditation, I create online programs, and I’m currently finishing the writing of my first novel... I love what I do. I don’t feel like I’m working! I take great pleasure in helping these incredible women reconnect with themselves. I feel fully useful and aligned.

A mantra?

Love and service. Doing what you love and being able to contribute to the world.

And fashion, how does it fit in?

It’s never far away... I love this world and its incredible craftsmanship too much for that. In fact, I’m amused to find that my clients often come from this industry.